
workflow_name (# downloads, # views, scipion version)
TOMO_ScipionBox (190, 1139, (2018-05-18) (release-1.2.1 92b345f)): Tilted series acquisition as movies
From movies to particles (190, 975, 1.0): Workflow that uses some of the most advanced algorithms currently present in Scipion. Consensus is a
All2Monitor_CPU_Gain_XmippAlign_MaxShift_CTFfind4_XmippCtf_CTFcons (187, 1152, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): A basic workflow from movies to CTF consensus using only CPU
ModelBuilding (185, 938, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): model_instruct2019
Carmen (182, 1004, (2018-05-18) (release-1.2.1 92b345f)): Analyze the grids on a first load
Relion tutorial (part 2) (175, 1190, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): Part of the workflow for Relion tutorial
workflow1 (174, 967, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): delete me
Phase_plate in ScipionBox (174, 946, v1.2.1 (2018-10-01) Claudio): Phase_plate in ScipionBox
monores + localdeblur (174, 908, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): Basic workflow importing a volume, estimating the local resolution by means of Xmipp - monores and using it to local sharpen the input volume. NOTES: The monores is using an automatic masking. Monores needs noise surrounding the map, thus the input ...
2D_class_streaming_GL2D_assignation (173, 1006, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): This piece of workflow makes an initial classification of 10k particles using relion2D and cryosparc2, making 32 classes each one. Afterwards, xmipp-GL2D is assigning the new incoming particles on-the-fly to one of the 64 initial classes. At the end, a...