workflow_name (# downloads, # views, scipion version)
Day 1 alignment and reconstruction
(120, 608, 3.0.0):
Workflow shown and practiced during 2021 tomography course on Day 1
Tilt series alignment and tomogram reconstruction
Day 2 picking pyseg and membrane segmentation
(108, 594, 3.0.0):
Workflow shown and practiced during 2021 tomography course on Day 2 Tomogram picking with eman and dynamo
Day 2 picking eman dynamo
(107, 596, 3.0.0):
Workflow shown and practiced during 2021 tomography course on Day 2
Tomogram picking with eman and dynamo
(103, 534, 3.0.0):
This is a template for the December2021 coruse
P08 Facilities
(86, 347, 3.0.0):
From movies to 2D particles and classes