workflow_name (# downloads, # views, scipion version)
(414, 1998, 2.0.0):
Dynamic template to launch a form asking for: Deposition path, pattern, voltage, spherical aberration and sampling rate.
NOTE: incluede this file to $SCIPION_HOME/pyworkflow/templates in .json.template format in order to be able to be open it by: sc...
DnaB ADP (test 1)
(397, 963, v1.2.1 (2018-10-01) Claudio):
import micrographs, preprocess, ctf, image, picking
(382, 763, scipion2 scipion3):
Semi automatic picking module using Xmipp and Cryolo, and making an AND consensus.
By default, the input micrographs are preprocessed in order to remove hot pixels and to downsample them to simplify the 2D analysis.
Also, by default, the particle...
Full SPA image processing of a EMPIAR entry
(378, 652, 3.0.0):
Full EMPIAR image processing. It does not require manual selection although you might need to review parameters before launching the protocols
Day 3 pasrt 1 subtomogram averaging ribosomes
(352, 602, 3.0.0):
Workflow practiced during 2021 tomography workshop about subtomogram averaging of a ribosomes dataset
Day 3 part 2 subtomogram averaging HIV
(350, 578, 3.0.0):
Workflow practiced during 2021 tomography workshop about subtomogram averaging of HIV dataset
(343, 616, 3.0.0):
mic for relion
(232, 1388, v1.2):
Tutorial workflow used for some Scipion courses.
(217, 1264, 1.2):
Basic workflow for data acquisition with import movies, motioncor2, ctffind, gain and summary
(194, 1199, 1.3):
3D calssification using relion, example with and without GPU