2D Refinement & Classification

workflow_name (# downloads, # views, scipion version)
Relion_3_tutorial-betagal (630, 2557, v1.2.1 (2018-09-11) Claudio): Relion 3 tutorial in Scipion. Reaching 2.9 reported by monores.
DnaB ADP (test 1) (378, 912, v1.2.1 (2018-10-01) Claudio): import micrographs, preprocess, ctf, image, picking
From movies to particles (171, 915, 1.0): Workflow that uses some of the most advanced algorithms currently present in Scipion. Consensus is a
Relion tutorial (part 2) (158, 1128, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): Part of the workflow for Relion tutorial
2D_class_streaming_GL2D_assignation (149, 947, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): This piece of workflow makes an initial classification of 10k particles using relion2D and cryosparc2, making 32 classes each one. Afterwards, xmipp-GL2D is assigning the new incoming particles on-the-fly to one of the 64 initial classes. At the end, a...
TestRelionClassify 2D (147, 994, 1.3): 2D classification using Relion
WIS_D&G_impact (134, 825, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): basic training
Spike (95, 632, 3.0.0): Workflow Roberto
preprocesing&2Dclass (94, 638, 3.0.0): Roberto to arm
ARM_Spyke (88, 568, 3.0.0): spyke