Data Collection

workflow_name (# downloads, # views, scipion version)
Wokflow_with_gctf (442, 1643, v1.2.1 (2018-10-01) Claudio): workflow with gctf
BASIC_Import_Mcorr2_Ctffind4_Summar (440, 1654, 1.2): Basic workflow for facilities: motioncor, ctffind, summary
Phase_Plate_mottioncor_ctffing_gctf_gain (436, 1664, 1.2): Basic workflow for phase plate collection with motioncor2 ctffind gain and sumamry
streaming_2d_classification_in_batches (430, 1715, 1.2.1): Streaming workflow from movies to relion 2d classification in batches.
All2Monitor_GPU_Import_Gain_Mcor2_MaxShift_gCTF_XmippCTF_CTFcons_Summary (419, 1528, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): Workflow to monitor gain stability, movie alignment and ctf estimation using the summary monitor. GPU
demo_until_particlePrunning (414, 1999, 2.0.0): Dynamic template to launch a form asking for: Deposition path, pattern, voltage, spherical aberration and sampling rate. NOTE: incluede this file to $SCIPION_HOME/pyworkflow/templates in .json.template format in order to be able to be open it by: sc...
SemiAutomaticPicking_Xmipp_Cryolo (382, 764, scipion2 scipion3): Semi automatic picking module using Xmipp and Cryolo, and making an AND consensus. By default, the input micrographs are preprocessed in order to remove hot pixels and to downsample them to simplify the 2D analysis. Also, by default, the particle...
BASIC_Import_Mcorr2_Ctffind4_Gain_Summary (217, 1264, 1.2): Basic workflow for data acquisition with import movies, motioncor2, ctffind, gain and summary
TOMO_ScipionBox (190, 1139, (2018-05-18) (release-1.2.1 92b345f)): Tilted series acquisition as movies
All2Monitor_CPU_Gain_XmippAlign_MaxShift_CTFfind4_XmippCtf_CTFcons (187, 1153, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): A basic workflow from movies to CTF consensus using only CPU