
workflow_name (# downloads, # views, scipion version)
Relion_3_tutorial-betagal (634, 2569, v1.2.1 (2018-09-11) Claudio): Relion 3 tutorial in Scipion. Reaching 2.9 reported by monores.
Cryo electron microscopy of SARS-CoV-2 spike in prefusion state (592, 827, 1.0): Workflow associated to empiar entry 10516 and publication
Atom_Struct_Modeling_Demo (591, 2188, v2.0 (2019-03-06) Diocletian (release-2.0.0 99cd4821da)): Test project used in model building tutorial:
Wokflow_with_gctf (427, 1603, v1.2.1 (2018-10-01) Claudio): workflow with gctf
BASIC_Import_Mcorr2_Ctffind4_Summar (426, 1610, 1.2): Basic workflow for facilities: motioncor, ctffind, summary
import_fitChimera_coot_refmac (424, 1661, 1.3): Basic model building; (1) import data, (2) rigid fit with chimera, (3) manual refinement coot and (4) automatic refinement refmac
Phase_Plate_mottioncor_ctffing_gctf_gain (420, 1623, 1.2): Basic workflow for phase plate collection with motioncor2 ctffind gain and sumamry
streaming_2d_classification_in_batches (417, 1680, 1.2.1): Streaming workflow from movies to relion 2d classification in batches.
All2Monitor_GPU_Import_Gain_Mcor2_MaxShift_gCTF_XmippCTF_CTFcons_Summary (403, 1486, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): Workflow to monitor gain stability, movie alignment and ctf estimation using the summary monitor. GPU
fullProcessing_ScipionCombined_fromMoviesTo3Dbionotes (402, 1651, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): Full processing workflow from movies to 3D bionotes.