
workflow_name (# downloads, # views, scipion version)
Spike (95, 637, 3.0.0): Workflow Roberto
preprocesing&2Dclass (94, 642, 3.0.0): Roberto to arm
20190805_fraction16 (92, 628, v2.0 (2019-04-23) Diocletian): test
Day 2 picking pyseg and membrane segmentation (89, 546, 3.0.0): Workflow shown and practiced during 2021 tomography course on Day 2 Tomogram picking with eman and dynamo
ARM_Spyke (88, 576, 3.0.0): spyke
Day 2 picking eman dynamo (88, 550, 3.0.0): Workflow shown and practiced during 2021 tomography course on Day 2 Tomogram picking with eman and dynamo
testReconstruction (84, 485, 3.0.0): This is a template for the December2021 coruse
AAA (71, 426, 1): TEST
Tomo_preali (69, 354, 3.0.0): Just a workflow for TS creation from TiltSeriesMovies and a rough prealignement
P08 Facilities (67, 299, 3.0.0): From movies to 2D particles and classes